Friday, December 18, 2009

One Hundred Years from Now

One final Post!

Your Final Grade will be posted by Monday December 21, 2009. Please check D2L if you have any questions.

I found this website of advise for first year teachers from teachers that are in the field.

One Hundred Years from now

(excerpt from "Within My Power" by Forest Witcraft)

One Hundred Years from now

It will not matter
what kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
how much money was in my bank account
nor what my clothes looked like.
But the world may be a better place because
I was important in the life of a child.

Thanks for a great semester!

Nadya Wiedrich Preszler

Monday, November 23, 2009

Final Portfolio and Blog

Final Portfolio due December 9th (100 points)

All Handouts and notes from Midterm to present organized in your binder

3 Museum Gallery visits and forms (25 points)

5 Story book lesson plan ideas (25 points)

Internet Lesson plan in Madeline Hunter format worksheet (due 11/0/01) 25 points

All peer lesson plans and examples including your own (25 points)

Blog Portfolio Due December 10 (100 points)

All from class projects photographed with summary and extension activities listed.
*Eric Karl collages
*Sketchbooks - book binding
*Scratch art drawings
*Lexicon collages- with definitions
*Clay Experience

****All peer taught lesson plans including your own, with photo of your example created a lesson summary and an extension activity that you could use in your classroom.

Lesson Plan Evalution 100 points
Self Evaluation and Graded student projects based on ruberic - due one class period after presentation
Bulletin Board Display 20 points - due one week after presentation or motivational display due before you present your lesson

Final Exam Friday December 18th from 12-2pm.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Blog Portfolio Peer teaching assignment

Blog posting assignments for peer teaching:

At the conclusion of each peer taught lesson, you will each need to photograph your artwork and write a brief summary of the lesson. Include an extension activity that you could use if you would teach this lesson in your classroom.

10 points for participation in class
10 points for posting the photo of the example, summary and extension activity

Monday, September 28, 2009

Art Review

Choose an artist from the to review. Save an image of the artwork you choose to the desktop and upload the photo to your first post after creating your blog. Please type in your artist review with the work.

Art Portfolios

BLog Portfolio Assignment #1 We are going to create an online art portfolio that will showcase your work.

Step 1 - Create your own blog.

Follow the steps in the Blog posting reference make sure to write down all passwords and website information. You will be handed it in.

Step 2- Create your first post describing the footprint you made to introduce yourself to the class.

Step 3 - Photograph your Footprint with a digital camera and upload the image to the post

Step 4- Publish your first portfolio assignment

Blog Portfolio Assignment #2 Elements and Principles of Design Compositions.

Please describe how you used each concept, the media that you chose and how successful you thought your composition was.

BLog Portfolio Assignment #3: Starry Night Finger Painting

Photograph your painting and write a story based on your painting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Larry Chatman Art Exhibit

Please respond to the 3 statements and post your name and date on the comment section. Due Monday September 28.

1. First I would like you to give me your reactions to the exhibit "Katrina, Where is my God, Where is my Country" and the artist Larry Chatman. Please give reference to the work, the artist, the presentation in class. Do agree with his view points? Why or Why not?

2. How could you use the any of this experience of Hurricane Katrina and the artist's response in your classroom? What would you emphasis, or focus on?

3. Describe a lesson idea that incorporates taking your class to an art gallery, or having a guest artist in your classroom?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Journal Chapter 2

In your opinion why is it important to teach the elements and principles of design? State the elements and principles of design you worked with when you were in elementary school and share briefly any memorable project that helped teach you the concept.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome to Art Class!

We be will using a blog, (basically a web log) as a journal/portfolio for this course. I will be posting Journal entries for you to comment on as well as assignments and deadlines for projects. You will be creating your own blog to post your artwork, lesson ideas, and reflections on.

For your first assignment is to read Chapter 1 in the text Emphasis Art.
Please comment on Journal #1 due Wednesday September 9.

Journal #1
What is your definition of art? What is Wachowiak and Clements' definition of art?
How does your past experience with art compare to the qualitative art program that the authors advocate in your text?

Please use complete sentences and check your spelling in all of your postings. I am looking for a minimum of 2 full paragraphs and maximum of a one page word document. (You are not writing a dissertation in art education.)

Spell check in a word document and paste your post into the comment area.

Please post your first and last name to each journal entry.